Preparing for India

I went to India when I was 18, that was a major event in my life, I could hardly contain my joy. I had never thought of traveling in the past but when I came to one guru, I couldn’t believe my luck, I felt so happy, finally, I had found something that inspired me. But I was very scared at first, I had never traveled by myself before, and I was going for a while, I actually went for 6 months, my family called me brave, but I didn’t feel brave, I just felt inspired to move, I was following my heart, it reminds me of when I was in nature, of how beautiful and light the feeling was. something that school had never given me. Although, I used to find myself in the library a year earlier, studying spiritual and philosophical texts, even psychology. I read everything. But going to India by myself was a totally different story, I had to be strong, and independent.