Going to India

Why was I so invested in India calling me? It seemed as though I was meant to go there. I had no choice. I could sit at home and do the same things I had always done, or I could go to an acclaimed spiritual center in India and really dive deep into my problems and the search for answers. Was it possible to go there and return as myself, or was I losing a part of myself by going? It seemed anything was possible. I was 18 at the time, so I wasn’t thinking about careers and I live with my family so I had nothing tying me down. I can definitely say it had a big impact on me and now I look back and smile at everything I went through. I went alone, which was important for me, plus I had so many questions. I thought of going with my brothers to Thailand, but it did not pull me, so it did not resonate with me on a deeper level. Although I know many spiritually-minded people go to Thailand. Where I went was called Tiruvannamalai, it was in the south of India, in Tamil-Nadu. It was the best thing I had ever done. I was glad to be there, it felt like home. All of the chanting and thoughts of chakras and more, just completely filled my cup with everything I needed. I felt a special attraction to the mountain there. I was overwhelmed by its beautiful energy. was it possible to find what I was looking for here, (in Scotland)?