This will change me forever

It was time to move on. I was standing in my room waiting for the movement to be made. I was going to India for six months. I had no idea how I would come back. How much would it change me? I’m starting to doubt myself. Was it possible to go there and return as the same me? Somehow I knew it would change me forever. My whole outlook would be different. For some reason, when I got there, I felt weird, like I was at home. The colors were so vibrant in India. Everything seemed alive. Everything had its power. Cows were walking about on the street, people are passing by the bus. Venders jumping onto the bus to sell fried food; Samosas, HELL yeah. Everyway you look somethings happening, its a place of great excitement if your from the west. I grew up in the Scottish country-side so this was totally another world. The Isle of Skye, is nothing like India, except for the friendliness, that was something I found similar about the two. In India, people are so friendly, they really make you feel welcome. The houses were all different colors, some were straight up blue, or green, or yellow, or even a mixture. I’ll never forget that first step into the country, how warm it was, in Scotland its hard to find such warmth and it wasn’t just that but the humidity. Suddenly my western clothes became very heavy. It was time to change. I had to get new clothes. And a new attitude. This was going to take commitment. But “I wasn’t going anywhere”, that was my inner voice. It spoke to me more as I stayed there. It’s hard to describe the feeling I had when I arrived, it was a mixture of sadness and exhilaration. “This will change me forever.”